Unsustainable agricultural practices to meet food demand of growing global population has resulted in increased carbon footprint from agricultural activities impacting the ecosystem negatively. While agriculture is part of the problem, it can also become a part of the solution.
In 2018, world total agriculture and related land use emissions reached 9.3 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (Gt CO2eq). Crop and livestock activities within the farm gate generated more than half of this total (5.3 Gt CO2 eq), with land use and land use change activities responsible for nearly 4 Gt CO2 eq (FAO. 2020).
Governments, Private sector with interest and support from farming community started exploring carbon markets by developing sustainable soil, crops, livestock and agroforestry management practices. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary announced their goal to reduce the US agriculture carbon footprint by 40% by 2050. In response, the “Growing Climate Solution Act” will provide the support that farmers, ranchers, foresters, and other producers need to ensure that agricultural lands are part of the solution for a better future for people and wildlife. It also allows farmers and ranchers to choose from technical service providers and third-party verifiers to monetize conservation practices and reduce their carbon footprint. Carbon farming provides financial incentive to farmers in additions to safeguarding environment and the carbon farming can benefit farmers financially the and society,
We at Gallanttek assist the growers and carbon business entities in developing carbon projects
Help the farmers through continuous support for practice changes by providing information on sustainable intensification practices aiming at improving soil health and reducing GHG emissions.
Assist in developing Project development document (PDD), generation of Model Verification Report (MVR) and carbon credits verification with validation/verification bodies (VVBs).
Complete assistance in answering queries raised by VVB till issuance of carbon credits.